Voluntary Submission
In studying for my message last Sunday entitled " Getting God’s Best Through Submission" I came across a fascinating passage that clearly showed how God wants us to submit to our human authorities, even when they are mean and difficult to live with. In Genesis 16 I found that Hagar was being "mistreated" (v.6) by her mistress and owner Sarah (Abraham's wife). So Hagar runs away into the desert to escape from Sarah and regain peace and freedom. However, on the road to freedom "The angel of the LORD found Hagar near a spring in the desert" (v.7) and he gives her a wonderful promise about the son she would soon bear. But he also gives her a command I'm sure she didn't appreciate: "Then the angel of the LORD told her, "Go back to your mistress and submit to her ." (v.9) What I found fascinating was that the word "mistreated" (v.6) and "submit" (v.9) come from the same Hebrew word in the original text. The Heb...