Tread-marks Over Others
This weekend God reminded me of how flawed I could be - being right on the issues and wrong in the attitude. I corrected a couple of brothers for not following my instructions. Clearly they were not doing what they were told to do. When I approached them to correct them, I was right (on the issue) & I was wrong (in my execution and timing). I really didn't seek to understand their hearts - why they were disregarding the instruction. I was just angry and frustrated at their casual and blatant violation of instructions. I could have waited to speak to them later (patience). The world would not have collapsed if I had done so. But my anger got the best of me and it showed. I did apologize later and forgiveness was given and received . But I wanted to go deeper into me and my understanding of correcting others. So as I prayed and sought God's face this morning God spoke to me through his Word. According to Jesus our words and actions reveal our hearts: You brood of vipers, how ...