When is it right to leave a church?
I was asked this question recently and I have been pondering it ever since. Obviously the person who asked was not engaging in a mere game of 20 Questions. This person was considering leaving church. Nowadays people switch churches just as fast as they do hair dressers. Some people are loyal to their hairdressers and some are not – probably at the same rate as loyalty to their church. This cannot bring a smile to God’s face. I’m talking about leaving a church where the person has been attending and involved for over six months, in some cases 6 years or more. They checked it out, decided that this was their church, and then they leave. Sometimes people leave a church because it is no longer meeting their needs. Is that OK? Sometimes they leave because of a disagreement with the pastor on perhaps minor or major doctrinal issues or church values. Is that OK? In either case I would say the process of leaving is more important than if they leave. Do they follow a process that promote...