Who Knows?
Taking risks for God and his kingdom is scary, but can be very rewarding. John Ortberg writes: It is the very fact that the outcome [of our actions] is unknown that gives courage and hope and daring meaning. If the outcome were always known ahead of time, there would be no point in playing the game. Not-knowing is our fear, and our growth. - from "When the Game is Over, It all Goes Back in the Box > It reminded me of something God showed me a long time ago (in August of 2004 to be precise). Having my time with God by the lake near my house in Miami, I was struck by these words uttered by Mordecai, Esther's cousin: > And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14b > This reveals that while Mordecai had no direct promise of God or command of God to tell Esther to go to the king and deliver Israel from its enemies, he sensed and was convinced that this was her duty. He believed God would deliver the Jews, but he wasn't s...