Bad Environment
Lot, Abraham's nephew chose to live in a place with a bad environment. Not that it's rivers were polluted or didn't have clean air. It simply was infested with people with evil character. When Lot was asked to choose where he wanted to live and raise his family and build his growing sheep and camel business, he choose what was good for his animals, not what was good for his family. Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, toward Zoar . Genesis 13:10 While the animals would enjoy good food and water, his family would suffer by living among the people of Sodom - a people bent on sexual perversion. Although Lot was righteous, his family would be stung by the immoral lifestyle and values of the city. Even Lot himself was infected with perverted thinking. When two angels from God came to investigate the city, all the men of the city came knocking on Lot's door to rape the men. Lot tr...