Every Man Needs an Ezer
Perhaps you are wondering, what’s an “ezer”? An “ezer” is the thing (really the person) God created to help Adam. The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18 “Ezer” is the Hebrew word for “helper”. So when God, out of His love for Adam, decided to create a helper for him He created a woman. Now to call the woman a “helper” was neither a demeaning role nor term. The Bible, using the same Hebrew word “ezer”, calls God our helper: We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. Psalms 33:20 God is our “ezer” – “Helper, one who comes to the aid of another” Far from being a demeaning role, Eve was Adam’s helper (his “ezer”) just as God is our Helper – our “ezer”. Ladies, God has given you a role that He himself bears. The greatest ministry you can do for God is to act as His human agent in helping your husband when he needs you – and HE DOES NEED YOU!