Why should I be Happy Today?
Is God happy today? Should I be happy today? Clearly God is angry at sin. Paul wrote that "the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness" Rom 1:18 But having a big picture/eternal perspective, God is a happy and satisfied God. Because He knows that in the end everything works out according to His purpose. While carrying the cross Jesus had joy in His heart (Heb. 12:2) as He looked forward to the day when all his redeemed children would be with Him in heaven forever. The purpose of the Apostle John writing the book of Revelations was to give us comfort in our trials and troubles knowing that everything will work out in the end - we are going to be with Jesus forever. First will meet Jesus in the air, then we get a brand new perfect body. Then we get to rule a new Earth with Him for 1000 years and for the grand last scene, we will spend the rest of eternity walkin...