
Showing posts from March, 2018

God's Sovereignty and Man's ability to choose

God's sovereignty means God is in control. Nothing in this world can happen without God making it happen or allowing it to happen. Some take God's sovereignty to mean that He controls people to do what he wants at all times and in every situation. Basically man has no free will to do anything. But that is not a Biblical position. While God is in control of all things he has obviously given to man the ability of self-will, even if limited. Throughout Scripture God gives commands and gives people the ability to respond. They can obey or they can refuse to obey. Below is another example of that in the ministry of Ezekiel: But when I give you a message, I will loosen your tongue and let you speak. Then you will say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says!’ Those who choose to listen will listen, but those who refuse will refuse, for they are rebels. Ezekiel 3:27 NLT

Preaching from His Heart

Many years ago one youth group leader tried to convince me that drinking Coca-Cola was sinful. His rationale was that it was bad for the body and the body was a temple of God and therefore doing anything that damages the body was sinful. So by his logic drinking Coca-Cola which has a negative effect on the body is sinful. Using logic like this we can create many new laws and make many things sinful that God does not say directly that it’s sinful. And in this way teachers and preachers get into a lot of trouble by preaching from their own heart rather than from the heart of God. This has always happened since there have been prophets, teachers and preachers. And in Ezekiel’s day it seemed to be a sport. Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy from their own inspiration, 'Listen to the word of the Lord ! Thus says the Lord God , "Woe to the foolish prophets ...


Here's God's prescription for anger. "Be angry and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still." Psalms 4:4.  Anger is love turned inside out. 90% of our anger is due to self love. We get angry at others because of some wrong they did to us or at least we perceive it that way. That's why we need to be still and meditate on "why" we are angry. We should not act impulsively because usually that will lead to sin. Rather we need to take our anger to God and act prudently and lovingly. See Ephesians 4:26 - 27 and Psalms 37:7 - 8.