
Showing posts from March, 2019

Choose Life

"The Lord is your life". Deuteronomy 30:20. In Deuteronomy 30:15 - 20, God laid out a choice for the people of Israel. They can choose life or death. He encouraged them to choose life - that is to love him and serve him (vs. 20). Yet in Deuteronomy 31:16 - 18 we see that God knew exactly what Israel would do in the future. He told Moses "these people will soon prostitute themselves to the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will forsake me and break the Covenant I made with them." He goes on to say that he will have to destroy them and bring many disasters upon them. This shows us that although God is omniscient he gives people real Liberty to choose between right and wrong. Although He knows the future choices of people, He acts in real time. God does not punish now for the sin he knows we will commit in the future. God gives us the opportunity to make real choices, but when our choices are to do evil and abandon Him, he sends discipline and trouble i...

Role of Pastors

Many people have opinions on the role of a pastor. But I am only interested in what God says is my role as a pastor. These are my thoughts based on 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus which are Paul’s instruction to other pastors on their role as spiritual leaders of God’s people. 1. Watch out and silence false teachers  (1 Tim. 1:3-11). The first thing Paul tells young Timothy to do is to “ command certain men not to teach false doctrine ” 1 Tim. 1:3. This work of a pastor involves two very important aspects: 1) Identify faslse doctrine (which is a major responsibility for pastors in Paul’s mind – see 1 Tim. 4:1-7; 6:3-5). 2) Have the courage to use your authority to “command” people in the church to stop teaching false doctrine. Too many pastors are weak and wont confront those that are teaching false doctrine. Paul told Titus:  “Encourage and rebuke with all  authority . Do not let anyone despise you.” Titus 2:15. Maintaining doctrinal purity in the church is one of the ...