
Showing posts from May, 2019

Wisdom of a Godly Appeal

What should we do when we believe somebody is wronging us or perhaps wronging somebody else? In 2nd Samuel 20:16-22 a woman handled a situation with tact and great wisdom. Rather than accusing Joab of a sin or crime she asked him a question: "Why do you want to swallow up the Lord's inheritance?" Of course Joab replied that he did not want to do that. He was only looking for a particular Rebel that was hiding in the city. By appealing to his sensibilities and convictions she was able to calm him down and figure out a solution to the problem with the city leaders. In this way they avoided the city from being ransacked and destroyed. It is often a much better way to correct someone by asking them appropriate questions and appeal to their sensibilities and convictions rather than straight on telling them what they're doing wrong.

Everything Comes from God

I heard a preacher once say "everything comes from God and everything will go back to God". And I believe that is true and that is why we need to learn to be generous with everything God provides us. When David killed the Amalekites and plundered them, since they had attacked and plundered Ziklag, he came back with a lot of booty. Some bad men didn't want to share the plunder with those who had stayed back guarding the supplies because they were too tired to keep going. But David replied "No my brothers, you must not do that with what the Lord has given us." (1 Samuel  30:23) David recognized that it was God who had given them the victory, and given them the plunder so they needed to share it instead of hoard it. I need to learn to share generously what God has given to me.


What does true Biblical leadership look like? In 1 Samuel 12 the prophet Samuel addresses the people in his old age and asked them a question. "Here I stand. Testify against me in the presence of the Lord and his anointed. Whose ox have I taken? Whose donkey have I taken? Whom have I cheated? Who have I oppressed? From whose hands have I accepted a bribe to make me shut my eyes? If I have done any of these I will make it right." 1 Samuel 12:3 What humility. It takes a humble man/leader to open up and say "tell me where I have failed you." In v.4 the people answer. "You have not cheated or oppressed us, they replied. You have not taken anything from anyone's hand." Samuel was a man of full integrity. This is the kind of leaders we need to be. These are the kinds of leaders we need leading our church, home groups, and ministries.