
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Marriage of Adam and Eve

The marriage of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1 and 2 was not solely a story of of a wedding of two perfect human beings made in the image of God.  It was a picture of a much bigger story. For the marriage theme that begins in Genesis ends in Revelation 19 so the first wedding in the history of mankind was simply a picture of the future wedding of the Creator and his bride -the Church of Jesus Christ.  The Bible starts with a wedding.

God's Laws

 In Psalms 119:36 the psalmist writes, "Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain." Seeking selfish gain is always opposite of the statutes of God. God's laws always about loving God and loving others. See Mark 12:30-31, the Great Commandment 

Repentance for Salvation

"Believing in Christ means repenting of yourself righteousness and trusting in Christ's righteousness alone."  Trent Hunter and Stephen Wellum, Christ from Beginning to End