Time Keeps on Ticking, Ticking, Ticking...

If you saw this title and thought "into the future", you are getting old. Why? Because that's the lyrics of an old song. But it's true. Time is ticking away fast.

Ephesians 5:16 in the Phillips translations says "Make the best use of your time..."

What follows are some quotes from the book "Spiritual Leadership" by J. Oswald Sanders that I thought were awesome:

"The quality of a person's leadership will be in part measured by time: its use and its passage. The character and career of a young person depends on how he or she spends spare time. We cannot regulate school or office hours---those are determined for us---but we can say what we will do before and after those commitments. The way we employ the surplus hours, after provision has been made for work, meals, and sleep, will determine if we develop into mediocre or powerful people."

"Our problem is not too little time but making better use of the time we have."

"... the leader must carefully select priorities. He or she must thoughtfully weigh the value of different opportunities and responsibilities. The leader cannot spend time on secondary matters while essential obligations scream for attention. A day needs careful planning. The person who who wants to excel must select and reject, then concentrate on the most important items"

"Procrastination, the thief of time, is one of the devil's most potent weapons for defrauding us of eternal heritage...Making decisions, and acting on them, always requires moral energy."

May God give us the understanding and moral courage to use our time wisely.


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