Leaders Need to Engage in Conflict Resolution

I read the following today from John Maxwell’s book The 360 Degree Leader:

“Without a Leader, Conflicts are Extended. One of the most important roles of a leader is conflict resolution. In the absence of clear leadership, conflicts always last longer and inflict more damage. Often it takes a leader to step up, step in, and bring everyone to the table to work things out. When you lead others, you should always be ready to do what it takes to help your people resolve their conflicts”
I think this is so true in our home groups, ministries and church. In Philippians 4 Paul asked the leaders of the church to help restore unity and peace between Eudia and Syntyche, two women who had labored side by side with Paul.

Most of us don’t want to get involved in conflicts between brothers out of fear of rejection, fear of becoming part of the problem, or out of simple laziness. But as leaders God has called us to be peace-makers and to help reconcile fighting brothers. We must be willing to step up to the plate and engage in hard conversations with people in order to avoid damage to the church and bring glory to God.


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