God's Got My Back

God backs up His leaders!

When Solomon wanted to build God's temple and his own palace, and a few other building projects, God gave him wisdom and grace to do it all. God appeared to Solomon after he "had achieved all he had desired to do" (1 Kings 9:1) and told him that he had heard his prayers and would continue to get behind him as long as he would remain faithful to Him.

This was not a unique case. God told King Saul to do whatever he wanted (1 Samuel 10:7) and then he supported Saul by touching men's hearts to join him (1 Samuel 10:26).

God did the same for David. "In everything he did he [David] had great success, because the LORD was with him." (1 Samuel 18:14)

God did the same for Joshua many years earlier (Joshua 4:7). Through a miracle, God exalted Joshua in the eyes of the people after the death of Moses. "That day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel." (Joshua 4:14)

God has my back. As long as I remain faithful to Him, God will show himself faithful to me and give me success in projects that I attempt for Him.


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