What Price will You Pay
In his book Axiom, Bill Hybels describes the difference between a leader who is a hireling (a simple employee) of a vision and the one who owns the vision.
The hireling begins to choose a path self-service. The vision becomes more about him – his career, his fame, his job security and his success.
But the leader who owns a God-given vision is willing to pay any price to achieve it. Followers follow him to the extent that they feel he owns it – that his heart is in it and is willing to sacrifice for it.
Hybels writes that followers “will only sacrifice for the vision if you will. They will only take a bullet for the cause if they believe down to their toes that you would do the same.”
He then expresses what should be every leader’s prayer that believes God has given him a vision: “God...right here and right now, I tell you all over again that I will pay any price to achieve this vision so that someday, when I get to the finish line, I’ll be able to say with Paul that I fought the good fight.”
For our church, God has given us a collective vision – Vision 6:16 – six churches around metro Atlanta by 2016.
The hireling begins to choose a path self-service. The vision becomes more about him – his career, his fame, his job security and his success.
But the leader who owns a God-given vision is willing to pay any price to achieve it. Followers follow him to the extent that they feel he owns it – that his heart is in it and is willing to sacrifice for it.
Hybels writes that followers “will only sacrifice for the vision if you will. They will only take a bullet for the cause if they believe down to their toes that you would do the same.”
He then expresses what should be every leader’s prayer that believes God has given him a vision: “God...right here and right now, I tell you all over again that I will pay any price to achieve this vision so that someday, when I get to the finish line, I’ll be able to say with Paul that I fought the good fight.”
For our church, God has given us a collective vision – Vision 6:16 – six churches around metro Atlanta by 2016.
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