What are you waiting for?

Joni Eareckson Tada became a quadriplegic after a diving accident in 1967. She was 17 years old at the time and faced a life stuck in a wheelchair unable to use her arms and legs for the rest of her life.

One might excuse her if she became frustrated and depressed at life. But she didn’t just curl up in a corner in useless existence. She drew strength from Christ and began an organization called Joni and Friends (joniandfriends.org) to extend the love of Christ to people with disabilities. Her organization has pushed the kingdom of God forward for over 30 years in the United States and around the world.

In a conference where Joni was speaking, she was asked how she kept going, serving in spite of her obvious physical limitations. Her answer puts things in perspective:

“This is the only time in history when I get to fight for God. This is the only part of my eternal story when I am actually in the battle. Once I die, I’ll be in celebration mode in a glorified body in whole different set of circumstances. But this is my limited window of opportunity, and I’m going to fight the good fight for all I’m worth”
(from Axiom, by Bill Hybels)

So what are you waiting for? What’s your excuse for not fighting the good fight?

I heard a poem a long time ago that seems appropriate here:

Only one life, that will soon pass.
Only what is done for Christ will last.



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