My Glory

What do you boast about? Your new pair of jeans, new shoes, new ring? Sometimes we believe that “things” make us more valuable and so we display them and talk about them and we glory in them.

In Psalms 3 David spoke about what (or who) brought him glory:

But You, O LORD, are a shield for me,
My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
Psalms 3:3 NKJV

David said that God was his “shield” (protector) and his “glory”. What does it mean that God is “my glory”? It means that God brings me glory and the one I boast about. It’s not that I deserve glory; it’s simply that God bestows glory on me because I am associated with him by spiritual birth – I am his child.

When I boast about my material possessions (my sports car, or my house, etc…) or my social position, I live an illusion of importance. All these things are fleeting and will disappear in due time. They are an illusion of glory since they are so temporary.

But when God is “my glory” (the one I boast about; the one who gives me importance) then that is Real Glory, because He is the Highest, the Greatest, and most Important being in the universe. The glory He gives is eternal.

In God I will boast, for He is glorious and graciously bestows His glory on me.


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