Want to be a Judge?

If you wanted to be a judge under Moses you had to meet at least four qualifications. You needed to be:

1. Capable – Educated enough to know or be able to learn God’s laws and apply them to people’s points of dispute.

2. God-Fearing – You needed to love and respect God so much that your own life reflected holiness and obedience to His laws and values.

3. Trustworthy – You needed to be a person worthy of this position. You needed to be faithful to God, hard-working, be where you’re supposed to be at the time you are supposed to be there type of person.

4. Hater of Dishonest Gain – In your integrity, you would not use your position to gain riches for yourself nor would ever take a bribe nor distort justice for selfish purposes.

…select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Exodus 18:21

Even if we don’t want to be a judge for Moses, we should all strive to build these character qualities in our lives.



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