Who Are You Looking At?
When we don't like someone staring at us, we might ask them "Who are you looking at?" Most people don't like to be stared at.
But God doesn't mind us looking constantly and intently upon Him. Especially when we get into trouble. He wants us to call upon Him so that He might get us out of trouble and show His power.
When King Jehoshaphat realized that a mighty army was about to attack him he turned his eyes and heart to God. He prayed...
But God doesn't mind us looking constantly and intently upon Him. Especially when we get into trouble. He wants us to call upon Him so that He might get us out of trouble and show His power.
When King Jehoshaphat realized that a mighty army was about to attack him he turned his eyes and heart to God. He prayed...
...we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.
2 Chronicles 20:12
God told him to march his people to where the invaders would be. They sang songs until they got there and found that God had made this vast enemy force to turn on itself and all the enemy soldiers were dead. They plundered the dead army and found so much loot that it took them three days to haul away all the valuable stuff.
When your in trouble, who do you look towards for help? Yourself, other people, or the Lord God Almighty. God may use others to help you, but turn FIRST to Him and cast your burden on Him. God is an expert on giving us the victory.