Cause and Effect
I got pooped on by a bird today. I was sitting under a tree reading my Bible. A bird was perched on a limb of that same tree, right above me. The bird had to take care of his business, so he just let it fly---right on me. Why was I pooped on today? Because the Law of Gravity states: "You sit under a bird that needs to poop; you get pooped on".
Minutes before I got pooped on I read this:
The verse is talking about the city of Jerusalem. The Lord summoned the Babylonians to destroy the inhabitants of Jerusalem because of their many sins. The Law of God says: "the LORD disciplines those he loves" (Proverbs 3:12). Discipline always involves pain and grief.
Minutes before I got pooped on I read this:
The LORD has brought her grief because of her many sins.
Lamentations 1:5b
So as surely as poop falls on a person who sits under a tree with a pooping bird in it, so grief and discipline will come upon those whose life is full of sins. The Law of Cause and Effect rules.