
At the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin said "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately".  He knew that unity was the key to victory in the fight against tyranny.

As Christians, we face a greater threat than King George of England.  The Devil has a global kingdom full of demonic minions ready to pounce on us at the slightest sign of weakness. 

One of the greatest weaknesses of Christians in the free world is their tendency to disunite - to leave their fellow believers over the smallest of issues.  Gossip, arrogance, slander, holding on to grudges, and the like have separated many a Christian from his/her church.

God wants us to GROW UP and learn to forgive and to confront others in love so that his family (the church) could enjoy love and peace.  A church that can do this is a mature church full of the Holy Spirit and will bring maximum glory to God.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:3

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