John the Baptist was a straight shooter. Simply put, he called things as he saw them. This got him in trouble later on in life and ended up with his head on a platter.
John called people to a very practical form of faith in God. Luke 3 says John came "preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin". In v.8 he calls on the people to "produce fruit in keeping with repentance". In verse 9 he says "the ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."
The people then asked him what to do in their specific situations. To one group he says if you got two tunics share with the one who doesn't have any; if you have food share with the one who doesn't have food. To the tax collectors he said don't collect anymore money than what you are required - meaning be honest in all your financial dealings. When soldiers asked him what they should do, he told them not to extort money - that is don't abuse your authority, don't be a bully and don't accuse people falsely (don't lie about other people). Be content with your pay. Be happy with what God has given to you and don't be envious of other people. Don't abuse them to take their stuff.
How are you doing in producing "fruit in keeping with repentance"?
Prov 12:1 says "he who hates correction is stupid." As I read this verse this morning I was reminded of the new series we are preaching on at the Rock: "Greatness - The Way Up is Down". Jesus said "...whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all." Mark 10:43-44 So if we want God to exalt us and be men and women of influence, we must humble ourselves (bring ourselves low) in our relationship to God and others. Prov 18:12 reads "Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor." What does a humble man look like? At a minimum a humble man: is Teachable (allows others to mold his life) is a Servant (serves others both physically and spiritually) is Submissive (submits to proper authority - both divine and human) Puts Others First (doesn't grab the biggest and best slice of pizza first) Seeks Advice (doesn't think or act like he's a "...