God is the one who brings Seasons into our lives - into our personal lives, seasons for nations, seasons for churches and seasons for the world. In 1st Chronicles 22:9 God was going to bring a season of Peace for Solomon. "I will give him rest from all his enemies all around. His name shall be Solomon, for I will give peace and quietness to Israel in his days." During this time of peace, Solomon was to build a Magnificent Temple for God. During Joseph's time in Egypt God brought a time of abundance and a season of famine. During the church age in Acts chapter 9 after Saul got saved it says that the church had a season of peace after being persecuted severely by Paul. I believe that in our church 2015 God began a season of peace and charcter growth. In 2017 I believe Go's will continue personal growth and numeric growth. We recognized a new pastor in the church and 10 people got baptized at the lake in June. My prayer is at a season of continued growth and fruitfulnes...