Not Condemned

Romans 8:1 says: There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit.

So we learn that a Christian can never be condemned. Why? Because he is "in Christ Jesus.  All of his sins have been forgiven at the cross. At the moment we believed we were placed in Christ's body. As a member of His body we can never be condemned just as he can never be condemned.
When we sin, it is new and news to us. But it is not new nor news to God. Because two thousand years ago Jesus who knew all the sins we would commit, already paid the debt for that sin.
And because we are in Christ God does not see us in our sinfulness he sees Christ. And because of this eternal view, a Christian is not and cannot be condemned for his sins. As a by-product and as evidence of salvation a Christian does not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. If a person claims to be a Christian but continually walks In the flesh it is doubtful whether they truly are a believer. But glory to God that as a member of Christ's body and therefore in Christ I will never experience the condemnation of God. Eternal life is secured not by my good behavior but by the death burial and resurrection of Christ and me being part of his body. Amen


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