God's Sovereignty and Man's Free Will

Iin Daniel 4 we see a clear example of how God is Sovereign and yet man retains free will. After being warned about his humiliation Nebuchadnezzar remained prideful and sinful. After one year of the warning he said in his heart that the greatness of Babylon was because of his mighty power and for his own honor and Majesty. That's when he was slapped down and made to live like a beast in the wild. God created the circumstances that helped him to come to repentance. After a while Nebuchadnezzar lifted up his eyes to heaven and recognize that God is the king of Heaven and nobody can restrain him. So while God did bring down discipline on Nebuchadnezzar it was Nebuchadnezzar out of his own free will turning to God in Repentance. God will lead us to Him but he will not force us to cross the line of faith and repentance.


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