Repentance for Salvation
When Peter preached repentance for the Forgiveness of sins in Acts 2:38, the repentance referred not to general sin but to the fact that they had crucified Jesus Christ who was both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36). By repenting (Gk. "change of mind") they would stop rejecting Christ and in fact turn to Him in faith and thus "receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" Acts 2:38. Acts 3:19 says "repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out." Again what were they to repent of, general sin such as fornication or drunkenness? No, they were to repent of having killed the "author of life", the holy and righteous one. They were to change their mind about who Christ was and rather than rejecting him they were to turn to God in faith believing that Jesus is the Son of God whom the Father sent to die and pay for the sins of the world and that he rose again on the third day. So repentance is a turning but not necessarily a turning from smoking and drinking but rather from a rejection of Jesus and turn to faith in Christ as our God and savior.
In Acts 17:29-30 Paul tells the Athenians to repent. But what were they to repent of? It wasn't from sexual immorality or smoking or drinking. It was to turn from faith in idols - things made of gold, silver and stone and put their faith in Christ the true God and savior.
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