Dont get out of the way; just dont get in the way

People say that we need to "get out of the way of what God is doing". I believe that is not accurate. Because God blesses through and with us. We are co-laborers with Christ. So we don't get "out of the way" as if we are not helping build the kingdom of God which is exactly what Christ has called us to do. Making disciples is active not passive. So what we need to do is not get "out of the way" but rather "don't get in the way."

How do we "get in the way"? We get in the way of what God is doing in various ways: having undealt-with sin, by being egocentric leaders where we hoard all power and control in the church (John 3), by having policies, strategies or practices that make people think we're crazy (1st Corinthians 14). We get in the way of what God is doing by not  humbly following Biblical principles and values for healthy church life. When Christian leaders and churches follow the principles of God in a humble but passionate way and they're not doing stupid things like being rude and obnoxious or passive when they need to be active, then there could be healthy Church growth. Then God will blow his Blessing as He sees fit and in His time and people will come and sense that God is really Among Us and start to grow in a healthy way. So let's not think we need to get out of the way. No, we just need to be in line with God's way, doing Ministry God's way, with God's purposes and then let Him bring the blessing of new fruit. (Acts 2:47)


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