Why did Jesus have to die?
Who makes the rules concerning salvation? Why did Jesus have to die? If God makes the rules then could He have changed the rules for forgiving our sins? Could He have decreed that walking up a mountain and saying "The Lord is my God" and pouring out a glass of water would have been enough to forgive sins? If God is Sovereign and Almighty, then He can create whatever rules he wishes consistent with his nature. Could He have decreed that salvation is by faith if someone pours out a glass of water and declares the Lord is my God?
Then why did Jesus have to die in a bloody mess? I think the best answer is found in Romans 5:8 "God demonstrates his love towards us in that while we were sinners Christ died for us." When God, who is love, decided to save us He chose the most gruesome form of Salvation that demonstrated the intensity and depth of his love. And that's why he sent his only begotten Son to be flogged, to be beaten, to wear a crown of thorns and to be nailed to a cross. It wasn't that He had to do it this way, it was that he chose to do it this way to demonstrate his love and lure us to love him back with equal intensity.
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