Hate vs. Love

Is hate simply the opposite of love or is it the consequence of love?  In God his wrath only flares up in the light of violations of love towards himself as Creator, towards his Son the Lord Jesus Christ, or his prized creation - human beings.
When a father sees his daughter mistreated his anger flares up. Therefore his hate, anger, and wrath are a consequence of seeing unloving acts towards someone he loves dearly.
These unloving acts are called evil and wickedness. Big words for "sin".

Paul wrote in Romans 12:9 "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."

We love people sincerely from the heart. We hate the evil acts of other people that sin against those we love.

In his book Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund he wrote "Jesus pronounced searing denunciations on those who cause children to sin saying it would be a better fate if they were drowned (Matthew 18:6), not because he gleefully enjoys torturing the wicked but most deeply because he loves little children. It is his heart of love, not a gleeful exacting of justice, that rises up from his soul to elicit such a fearsome pronouncement of woe."


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