Gender Ideology - things taught by demons

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 1 Timothy 4:1 

20 years ago someone would jokingly say "I feel like a woman trapped in a man's body" and everyone would laugh.  Now they aren't kidding.  Not only do they feel like a woman, they can feel like whatever they want and expect everyone else to accept their "feelings" or "gender identity".

This ideology has its roots in radical feminism and its end-goal is to eradicate the traditional concepts of male and female.  To make genitals irrelevant since one can decide one's own identity apart from biology.  Therefore, at its core it is a person recreating or re-imagining themselves - thus they put themselves in the position of God.

That is why gender ideology is evil.  It replaces God with self, it replaces facts (male and female) with fiction, and allows people to live in a make-believe world.  And on top of that, they DEMAND that others accept their conclusions and use government power to teach this ideology to kids in public schools and punish people who would deny them services, even if it violates their religious beliefs. 

Gender ideology is a philosophy from the pit of hell and must be opposed by God-fearing people.


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