
Showing posts from 2019

Connection to Christ = Ministry Success

Your input from God and connectedness to Christ must be equal to or greater than your output in Ministry. If not, sooner or later your ministry will be destroyed. John 15

Role of Leadership

Reading Nehemiah 13 it is clear that one of the major roles of leadership is to maintain discipline of the vision (Vision discipline). When Nehemiah had left Jerusalem he had set everything in order. Tithes and offerings were coming in to feed the Levites and Priests. The Sabbath was being respected. And the Jews were speaking with one language.  He then had to return to the king and came back later, perhaps a few years later, and found disarray in Jerusalem. A Foreigner had his furniture in the house of the Lord, the men had married foreign women and the children of those women wear all speaking different languages. A priest had married a foreign woman of a man who hated Jerusalem.  So he did what good leaders do. He quickly and forcefully brought the Israelites back to order and discipline. He re-established the Sabbath, threw out the Foreigner's stuff from the temple, and made the Men start teaching their children to speak Hebrew. Clearly the role of a leader is to establis...

Making the Bible Understandable

 When the Israelites returned from exile Nehemiah gather the people in the Square. Ezra was reading from the Bible to all the people. While he read portions of Scripture the Levites interpreted for the people. Nehemiah 8:8 says "They read from the book of The Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what was being read." This is our job as preachers. To read through the Scriptures and make the message clear to the listeners.  when God's people who have good Hearts understand the word of God their lives are filled with joy, just like it happened to the people that day. Nehemiah 8:12 says that "all the people went away...with great joy because they now understood the words that had been made known to them."

Why did Jesus have to die?

Who makes the rules concerning salvation? Why did Jesus have to die? If God makes the rules then could He have changed the rules for forgiving our sins? Could He have decreed that walking up a mountain and saying "The Lord is my God" and pouring out a glass of water would have been enough to forgive sins? If God is Sovereign and Almighty, then He can create whatever rules he wishes consistent with his nature. Could He  have decreed that salvation is by faith if someone pours out a glass of water and declares the Lord is my God? Then why did Jesus have to die in a bloody mess? I think the best answer is found in Romans 5:8  "God demonstrates his love towards us in that while we were sinners Christ died for us." When God, who is love, decided to save us He chose the most gruesome form of Salvation that demonstrated the intensity and depth of his love. And that's why he sent his only begotten Son to be flogged, to be beaten, to wear a crown of thorns and to be nail...

Joy of the Lord

The joy of the Lord leads to radical decision making. In 2nd Chronicles 30:26 it says there "was great joy in Jerusalem for since the days of Solomon son of David king of Israel there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem". The people celebrated the Passover for the first time in many years and were filled with joy. In 2nd Chronicles 31:1 it says "When all this had ended, the Israelites who were there went out to the towns of Judah, smashed The Sacred Stones and cut down the asherah poles. They destroyed the high places and the altars throughout Judah and Benjamin and in Ephraim and Manasseh." So when people are filled with joy in the Lord they will do courageous and radical acts for their God. I need to lead the people into the joy of the Lord.

Salvation by Grace through Faith

John Macarthur wrote: "Submission to Jesus Christ as Lord is a non-negotiable element of true salvation".  He goes on to equate submission to obedience.  While I certainly love his teachings, on this one I think he is wrong. Unfortunately John Macarthur confuses accepting Christ as Lord (God) with a promise to (or actually) forsaking sin.  If one had to promise to forsake sin to be saved, then salvation in not solely by grace through faith.  It would not be a gift for simple faith by rather earned by a promise.  If salvation comes when I actually obey God's command, then salvation is earned and not a gift.  Both of these scenarios violate Eph. 2:8-9 and the many other passages in Romans 3-5 and Galatians that clearly state that salvation is a FREE GIFT of God and that the only criteria to receive it is GENUINE faith.  No doubt that genuine faith will produce obedience in time, but our salvation is not conditioned on obedience nor the promise of obe...

Reconcile Quickly

In Matthew 5:25 Jesus said "settle matters quickly." Jesus begins this portion of the Sermon on the Mount by stating the law against murder. But then turns to deal with the underlying causes of murder - anger. Anger can lead to serious name-calling with negative consequences and/or an accuser taking you to court. So, for your own good, reconcile quickly with a person who is angry at you, so as to avoid the possible consequences of allowing a person to remain angry and bitter which increases the chances of negative consequences. Plus working towards clear relationships is the most Godly and loving way to live. Romans 12:18 & Hebrews 12:14.

Wisdom of Solomon

Everyone knows that Solomon was the wisest man who ever walked the Earth. In the classic story of the two prostitutes bringing a live baby and arguing over whose baby was alive and who's was dead, Solomon gives this order: 1Ki 3:24 Then the king said, "Bring me a sword." So they brought a sword for the king. 1Ki 3:25 He then gave an order: "Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other." Solomon's wisdom was not seen in his final verdict. That was the easy part. His wisdom lay in that he knew that applying the right kind of pressure would make the real mother react with overwhelming Compassion or the fake mother to have mercy and reveal the truth. The first of these scenarios happened and the verdict was easy.

Wisdom of a Godly Appeal

What should we do when we believe somebody is wronging us or perhaps wronging somebody else? In 2nd Samuel 20:16-22 a woman handled a situation with tact and great wisdom. Rather than accusing Joab of a sin or crime she asked him a question: "Why do you want to swallow up the Lord's inheritance?" Of course Joab replied that he did not want to do that. He was only looking for a particular Rebel that was hiding in the city. By appealing to his sensibilities and convictions she was able to calm him down and figure out a solution to the problem with the city leaders. In this way they avoided the city from being ransacked and destroyed. It is often a much better way to correct someone by asking them appropriate questions and appeal to their sensibilities and convictions rather than straight on telling them what they're doing wrong.

Everything Comes from God

I heard a preacher once say "everything comes from God and everything will go back to God". And I believe that is true and that is why we need to learn to be generous with everything God provides us. When David killed the Amalekites and plundered them, since they had attacked and plundered Ziklag, he came back with a lot of booty. Some bad men didn't want to share the plunder with those who had stayed back guarding the supplies because they were too tired to keep going. But David replied "No my brothers, you must not do that with what the Lord has given us." (1 Samuel  30:23) David recognized that it was God who had given them the victory, and given them the plunder so they needed to share it instead of hoard it. I need to learn to share generously what God has given to me.


What does true Biblical leadership look like? In 1 Samuel 12 the prophet Samuel addresses the people in his old age and asked them a question. "Here I stand. Testify against me in the presence of the Lord and his anointed. Whose ox have I taken? Whose donkey have I taken? Whom have I cheated? Who have I oppressed? From whose hands have I accepted a bribe to make me shut my eyes? If I have done any of these I will make it right." 1 Samuel 12:3 What humility. It takes a humble man/leader to open up and say "tell me where I have failed you." In v.4 the people answer. "You have not cheated or oppressed us, they replied. You have not taken anything from anyone's hand." Samuel was a man of full integrity. This is the kind of leaders we need to be. These are the kinds of leaders we need leading our church, home groups, and ministries. 

Indispensable Leaders

Just a thought for leaders who believe they're indispensable. From Chuck Swindoll and his book on Moses: "You're not indispensable. I'm not indispensable. Nobody is indispensable, except the Lord Jesus Christ. He's the head. He's the preeminent one. He's the founder. He's in first place. And when He moves one and brings in another or demotes one and set up another, He calls the shots. That is his Sovereign right. The problem arises when we get to thinking we're Sovereign. My friend, He put you where He wanted you. He gave you that job. He can take it away just as fast as He gave it. Just Faithfully do your work, lie low, and exalt Christ."

Fear and Serve the Lord

Joshua 24:14 says "Now fear the lord and serve him with all faithfulness." This command is the logical conclusion to Joshua 24:1 - 13. In those verses God gives the people a history lesson with a heavy emphasis on his love for them. He describes how he demonstrated this Love through the use of his power to fight their enemies and give them the Promised Land. A land that was already filled with houses, Vineyards and Olive Groves. Houses ready to be lived in and fruit ready to be picked. The purpose of reviewing his love for them is found in verse 14, "Now fear the lord and serve him." We should love and serve God because of His love for us just as it says in Romans 12:2.

Choose Life

"The Lord is your life". Deuteronomy 30:20. In Deuteronomy 30:15 - 20, God laid out a choice for the people of Israel. They can choose life or death. He encouraged them to choose life - that is to love him and serve him (vs. 20). Yet in Deuteronomy 31:16 - 18 we see that God knew exactly what Israel would do in the future. He told Moses "these people will soon prostitute themselves to the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will forsake me and break the Covenant I made with them." He goes on to say that he will have to destroy them and bring many disasters upon them. This shows us that although God is omniscient he gives people real Liberty to choose between right and wrong. Although He knows the future choices of people, He acts in real time. God does not punish now for the sin he knows we will commit in the future. God gives us the opportunity to make real choices, but when our choices are to do evil and abandon Him, he sends discipline and trouble i...

Role of Pastors

Many people have opinions on the role of a pastor. But I am only interested in what God says is my role as a pastor. These are my thoughts based on 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus which are Paul’s instruction to other pastors on their role as spiritual leaders of God’s people. 1. Watch out and silence false teachers  (1 Tim. 1:3-11). The first thing Paul tells young Timothy to do is to “ command certain men not to teach false doctrine ” 1 Tim. 1:3. This work of a pastor involves two very important aspects: 1) Identify faslse doctrine (which is a major responsibility for pastors in Paul’s mind – see 1 Tim. 4:1-7; 6:3-5). 2) Have the courage to use your authority to “command” people in the church to stop teaching false doctrine. Too many pastors are weak and wont confront those that are teaching false doctrine. Paul told Titus:  “Encourage and rebuke with all  authority . Do not let anyone despise you.” Titus 2:15. Maintaining doctrinal purity in the church is one of the ...

True Humility

When the people of Israel falsely accused Moses of wrong doing, of having killed God's people, Moses didn't lash back. He realized that their grumbling was really against God and that God who was already angry at the people would lash out at them. He quickly ran to the Tabernacle and fell face down. In humility Moses prayed for the people and gave instructions to Aaronn on how to atone for their sin. Moses could have just let God Kill Them All and his life would have been easier. But he sought their good even as they sought to kill him. So he prayed for them and did what he could to save them. This is true humility when we put others people's interest and benefit above our own, even people who are trying to harm us.

Dont get out of the way; just dont get in the way

People say that we need to "get out of the way of what God is doing". I believe that is not accurate. Because God blesses through and with us. We are co-laborers with Christ. So we don't get "out of the way" as if we are not helping build the kingdom of God which is exactly what Christ has called us to do. Making disciples is active not passive. So what we need to do is not get "out of the way" but rather "don't get in the way." How do we "get in the way"? We get in the way of what God is doing in various ways: having undealt-with sin, by being egocentric leaders where we hoard all power and control in the church (John 3), by having policies, strategies or practices that make people think we're crazy (1st Corinthians 14). We get in the way of what God is doing by not  humbly following Biblical principles and values for healthy church life. When Christian leaders and churches follow the principles of God in a humble but pass...

Infanticide in New York

Meet the 21st century pharaoh.   He lives in New York.   He is Governor Andrew M. Cuomo.   The pharaohs of Egypt wore the snake on their headdress.   Andrew Cuomo has it tucked away in his heart. Around the time of Moses' birth, "Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile…(Exodus 1:22).   Little Hebrew boys were unwanted and inconvenient, a threat to those in power. So the babies must be tossed.   On Tuesday, January 29th, Governor Cuomo and his allies gave their order: Every mother may kill her baby up until birth if she feels like it. So little baby boys and girls will be murdered because they are unwanted, inconvenient or makes the mother feel bad. Women have been empowered and helpless babies will be tossed. It's hard to explain what the difference is between killing a baby one minute before his/her natural birth and one minute after.   Does one minute really make the difference between...

Worshiping an Invented Jesus

Many people today and many churches today worship uninvented Jesus. That is a Jesus that they have fabricated and not the one that is declared in scripture. This is what the Israelites did with the Lord. Exo 32:3-5: "So all the people took off their earrings and brought them to Aaron. 4 He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, "These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt." 5 When Aaron saw this, he built an altar in front of the calf and announced, "Tomorrow there will be a festival to the LORD." They made a golden calf (an idol), and put around its neck "the Lord", and they thought with that, everything was good. Today many people claim to worship Jesus,  they preached sermons in his name and write books in his name, but in reality it's their invented Jesus and not the one revealed in the  New Testament.

Using God's Gifts for our Purposes

Many times we use God gifts to us for our selfish purposes and even for our own Glory. This is what the Israelites did with what God had given to them. As Moses spent 40 days up on the mountain top we're God was giving him more instructions, the people came to Aaron and said "make us gods who will go before us, as for this fellow Moses who brought us out of Egypt we don't know what happened to him." So they blew him off and wanted to continue their own Journey towards a better land. Exo 32:2 - "Aaron answered them, "Take off the gold earrings that your wives, your sons and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me." This was the very gold that God gave them from the Egyptians as they left the land of slavery in Egypt. Now they were going to use God's gift to them to make idols in Rebellion against God. So many times we use our God given gifts (talents, time and treasures) to further our own purposes and even our own little kingdom here on...

Forgetting God and His Leaders

"When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, "Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him." Exodus 32:1 How quickly we forget God and the leaders who represent him. Aaron and the Jews had seen God and even eaten with the angel of the Lord (20:9). The people saw a consuming fire and the cloud on top of the mountain. They had promised full Devotion to God and his commands (24:3, 7). And yet when God detains Moses for 40 days to give him further instruction they blow off Moses and asked for idols to be made for them to continue their Journey (Exodus 32:1). These were ungrateful and rebellious people.

God's Universities

God has several universities. Any person that God wants to use greatly he will take through one or more of these training grounds. "Joseph's master took him and put him in prison the place where the Kings prisoners were confined." Genesis 39:20. Joseph went from "Slave U" to "Prison U" to be trained by God in faith and humility. Moses, years later, went through a similar university called "Wilderness U" for 40 years to learn similar lessons. When God wants to use a person in a great way he will first train them in his many universities of Trials, troubles and tribulation in order to get their selfishness and self-centeredness out and replace it with a God-centered, humble, and Faith filled life.

Self Defense

When does a Christian have the right to self-defense? Clearly we understand through the New Testament that when the government persecutes the church we are to allow the government to kill us as Martyrs for Jesus Christ. But does that mean that a Christian cannot bear arms to defend his family, community, or Nation? Defending one's own people and towns goes as far back as the Book of Genesis. When Abraham's nephew Lot was taken buy some rogue nations he pursued them with "318 trained servants" (Gen. 14:14) and rescued him and his family. These weren't just farmers, Abraham had trained them in warfare for cases just like this. The American Patriots Bible has an article which reads like this: The Second Amendment to the US Constitution reads "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Having fled persecution in Great Britain the Puritans had laws requi...

The Deserts of Life

Writing about our times of Trials, troubles and tribulations those desert times that come to every person, Chuck Swindoll writes in his book about Moses the following. It's dry. It's lonely. You feel dismal inside. But whatever your emotions may be telling you, the Bible says you're not alone. God is there. He encircles you. Cares for you. Guards you like the pupil of his eye. And he promises to guide you through that strange habitation with neither landmark nor path. You have not left him nor has he left you. In fact, he may be closer to you at this moment than he has ever been before. Moses had a four-decade course study in the wilderness so that he might know how to lead a whole nation through the similar Wilderness. Listen to what Moses told the Israelites as they were about to enter the Promised Land: "You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that he might humble you, testing you, to know what was i...