
Showing posts from October, 2008

Moses' Prayer

Today I prayed for many things - my family, church, and friends. But as I was reading Exodus 33:13 I decided to follow Moses' example and pray " If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you." I want to know God more and His thoughts. I want to please Him more for He deserves it.

What's New?

My new and improved Blog will have shorter entries and have less teachings . I like to teach, but I will contain myself to Sunday's and whenever God shows me something really awesome. So I hope my blogs will be a little more digestible.

Jesus in the Old Testament

I was greatly blessed today as I saw how the angel of the Lord in the O.T. was Jesus. I read Exodus 23 and 24. The angel it talks about must be Jesus because he has the Name of God in him and God warns the Jews not to rebel against him.