
Showing posts from March, 2013

Ten Percent

Some people are confused about tithing because they've read or heard a Bible teacher says that the” tithe” was of the law and that it doesn't apply to the church today. I think that every Christian would undoubtedly say that we should serve God with all we got - give Him 100% of us – "He gave it all for us, so we should give our all for Him." However when it comes to the practical act of actually giving to Him real dollars in this real world many are not that enthusiastic.  Giving God 10% through the local church seems too much, too hard, or too legalistic – "that was Old Testament law; now we are under grace"  some would claim. But prior to the law, Abraham established the tithe (10%) as the standard for giving to God.  After rescuing his nephew (Lot) from the armies that took him captive, and having defeated them and taken their stuff (booty) he offered to God 10% (Gen. 14:20). How do we know that this marked a standard to be followed by God&