
Isaac Newton was a famous physicist, mathematician, and theologian among other things.  What does that mean?  He was smarter than you and I put together.

He is known for coming up with Newton's Laws of Motion.   His third law of motion says the following: "To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction".  In the physical world that means that if Johnny pushes (action) Susie, Susie will fall to the ground (reaction).  

But there is another reaction that Newton didn't really discuss --- and that's "emotional reaction".  This is when Susie stands up and yells nasty things at Johnny.

In his book Primal, Pastor Mark Batterson writes "It's much easier to act like a Christian than it is to react like one.  Anyone can put on an act.  But your reactions reveal what is really in your heart.  And if you love God with all your heart  you won't just act like it.  You'll react like it."

How do you react when you feel wronged or disrespected?  This is what Solomon wrote about reactions:

A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.
Proverbs 12:16 NLT

Do you "react" like a Christian, or only "act" like one?

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