Duck Dynasty & God's Moral Standards

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson got into a lot of trouble this week because he said homosexuality is a sin. The source of his belief is the Bible, which a lot of people today reject as a source of truth. People have their own ideas what is right and what is wrong. 

Many years ago God told the prophet Ezekiel that the Israelites were saying "'the way of the Lord is not just!' Hear O house of Israel: Is my way unjust? Is it not your ways that are unjust?" Ezekiel 18:25

People think that they can invent their own morality but God's ways are always true, loving and just because He created all things including human beings for His just and loving purposes. And it will be Him at the end of it all who will judge every man, not based on what that person thought was right or wrong but on God's own holy and eternal standards.

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