Role of Leadership

Reading Nehemiah 13 it is clear that one of the major roles of leadership is to maintain discipline of the vision (Vision discipline). When Nehemiah had left Jerusalem he had set everything in order. Tithes and offerings were coming in to feed the Levites and Priests. The Sabbath was being respected. And the Jews were speaking with one language. 
He then had to return to the king and came back later, perhaps a few years later, and found disarray in Jerusalem. A Foreigner had his furniture in the house of the Lord, the men had married foreign women and the children of those women wear all speaking different languages. A priest had married a foreign woman of a man who hated Jerusalem. 
So he did what good leaders do. He quickly and forcefully brought the Israelites back to order and discipline. He re-established the Sabbath, threw out the Foreigner's stuff from the temple, and made the Men start teaching their children to speak Hebrew.
Clearly the role of a leader is to establish the vision, which in this case was to serve the Lord and Him only. He is to bring Vision-discipline to the people that he is leading. All activity or attitudes that run against the vision must be stopped. And re-establish proper attitudes and actions.


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