Mercy and Justice

I was reading Zechariah this morning and found some great verses:

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. 10 Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. In your hearts do not think evil of each other.
Zech 7:8-9

We need to favor "true justice" (God's justice); not this world's perverted version of justice. True Justice seeks justice for the unborn - they have a right to live. True Justice seeks justice for victims of crimes - they have a right for wrongs to be made right (which includes the death penalty for murderers). True Justice is we as Christians doing the right thing towards everyone (not stealing, lying, cheating, etc...).

We need to favor "mercy and compassion" to one another, the widow, the fatherless (orphans), the alien and the poor. We need to balance out our sense of justice with "mercy and compassion". But our compassionate love is not wishy-washie. It must be based on God's Truth, and sometimes, to quote James Dobson, LOVE MUST BE TOUGH.

We need to "not think evil of each other." In other words, we need to learn to think the best of each other. Until the worst has been proven we must give our brothers and sisters the benefit of the doubt and be willing to defend them vehemently until and if their misconduct is proven.


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