
I finished reading Job today and came upon an interesting characteristic of "leviathan" (possibly a crocodile or some extinct super creature). God said about leviathan:
Nothing on earth is his equal — a creature without fear.
Job 41:33
I began to think about how fearful man is --- how fearful I am. Yet God exalts leviathan because he is "a creature without fear." God doesn't like it when we fear because fear is the opposite of faith and we all know that "without faith it is impossible to please God". Fear also has a paralyzing effect. It keeps us from trying great things for God. Our fear of failure or fear of what others might think keep us from taking leaps of faith for God and his kingdom. Fear is a trap from which God wants to release us. The one thing we are repeatedly told to fear in the Bible is God.
Let all the earth fear the LORD
Psalms 33:8
Here is a little known principle: We serve that which we fear. It controls our lives - thoughts, attitudes, and actions. That's why God says "Do not be afraid" 69 times [in the NIV] Bible.
So as I pondered these truths, I have decided to step out in faith and begin a new project that has been in my heart - to start an Internet church in Spanish. I don't know all the details and those are not important right now. What is important is that I act on faith believing that God can use this project to bring many to Christ. Pray for me and we will leave the results to God.


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