Grace and Truth Leaders

Erwin McManus, in his book An Unstoppable Force wrote: "There is no true leadership without facing problems." This should be obvious to us all by now.

But concerning this truth David Ping in his book Quick to Listen Leaders writes: "Exposing problems sounds like fun, huh? Given the choice, most people would rather avoid dealing with even the most blatantly proverbial 'elephant in the room'. They'd rather blunder along turning a blind eye... As leaders intent on following Christ, we can't afford this kind of selective blindness. If we see problems coming, we need to name them and face them head-on."

"...leaders bring problems into the light, not with condemning announcements or dramatic trumpet flourishes but with 'gentleness and respect.' We are not the source of the truth we quietly make known, but we must be its champions. It is not enough just to listen; we must also learn to practice the skill Ephesians 4:15 calls 'speaking the truth in love."

"Unfortunately, 'speaking the truth in love' is where many Christian leaders fall flat on their faces. We either don't do it or botch the delicate balance between honesty and tenderness. We fail to blend grace with truth..."

McManus sums up the results by saying "Sometimes speaking the truth in love is so difficult and painful that the help that could result from it is never engaged or experienced."

God has shown me to pursue problems before they fester and destroy. But I must confront problems (and the people causing them) with grace and truth (speaking the truth in love). I have found that this delicate balance requires a great measure of being filled with the Spirit.

"speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ."
Ephesians 4:15


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